Recently I did a webinar for a client group on a different subject than one would expect for a leadership and professional development workshop. The topic was a “really fun” subject (you don’t hear that often) and it was directly, scientifically tied to wellness, motivation and so much more. The subject was about something we all agreed we are not doing enough right now. As you might have guessed, the subject was:
We just don’t laugh enough. Adults like 13-30 and kids like 300 a day…with a pandemic, those numbers are cut way down.
From the small chuckle to the hysterical, from the pig snort to all the unique sounds people make when in that state… when it won’t stop…when we are stuck in one of the best laughter zones we could ever be in (it might even hurt your head or sides)…
when you can barely see. That kind of laughter. We need more of it. Why:
Researchers in Japan and Norway have completed studies that propose laughter may lead to living longer
Better vascular function and circulation can also help decrease your risk of a heart disease diagnosis.
Neuropeptides are released to help fight off stress and boost immune system
Neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin and endorphins get released (that’s real good)
Laughter is a sign of good will toward others.
Reduce anxiety and other negative emotions
Breathe better after laughing
Cleansing feeling
Relieve pain
Humility and self-deprecating humor
Good for our Abs (we can burn off a 1-4 lbs a year from consistent laughter…so good!)
How are you going to laugh more often? Who do you need to be around? Who do you need to call? (Don’t say Ghostbusters!!lol!!) What do you need to watch, where, with whom? Find a way to laugh more and you will find so many return benefits that happen right away.
Positive energy headed your direction!