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Ways to Prepare to Forgive Whether you Speak to Them or Not

Most of us, whether we can do it on a regular basis or not, know that forgiveness is the best way forward…for us and for “them.” That said, you can create and find forgiveness for another even if you can’t close the space enough even to talk it out. That said, we have to prepare ourselves to be in the right mental (maybe spiritual) place to do it.

Here are some ways we can get ourselves more prepared to forgive:

  1. Address an aspect of yourself that is related to this situation you would like to change…even if they were wrong! (sounds crazy but it works)

  2. Find meaning in this situation…why is it a part of your story?

  3. Look for any inner pain that may have been triggered because of this incident between you two (even if unrelated to the other person in this story)

  4. Reduce emotional energy related to the situation

  5. Forgive yourself (you know this may be one of the tougher ones)

  6. Be willing to “Ask Permission” to share so you get an invitation to continue, if you are having the conversation in any form

  7. Remember that you can use this situation to teach a younger mentee, student or child…wisdom not shared is wisdom wasted!

  8. Understand that forgiveness is connected to your personal and professional healing, growth and ability to move forward in related AND unrelated ways

  9. Get in touch with the benefits of what the forgiveness will bring on the other side of the situation: lowered blood pressure, better sleep, reduced stress, increased productivity, increased immune system protection and more...

  10. Consider a quiet, positive energy infused environment of your choosing – this will help us do our best thinking about this tough situation

Forgiveness is about pride and we never hear happy endings about people who chose pride as a resource for positive, healthy relationships. Forgiveness is not easy, but the benefits far out way the alternative.

It can be tough during the Thanksgiving time for some and others might want to try and forgive someone they have been thinking about for a long time.

Much love,


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