Nothing exemplifies a teaching point that I make all the time more than the Elon Musk buyout of Twitter. For employees there, the difference between “change” and “transition” needs to be recognized or their individual stress levels will not only go up, but stay up…usually leading to a physical, emotional or other kind of crash at some point.
What makes this distinction so important is that “change” is like a light switch, it just happens. Done. “Transition” happens over time, it is drawn out, can be done well or poorly, usually involves other people and can be the source of continuous stress. People who fail to make this distinction have a more difficult time warming up and succeeding in this changed, new environment. Here are XXXX ways to think about the positive side of transition to make the most out of any difficult change:
Focus on the big, long term, positive future
If the long term looks terrible, after the transition would be over, get out now
Consider the positive, unexpected things that can happen with change and transition
Out of difficulties we become stronger (the story of diamonds)
Unexpected deficiencies in different areas can surface and be addressed
Positive conflict and all that it can bring to move individuals and groups forward
Opportunity to check in with group assumptions that have been driving the bus
Open lines of communication with everyone so that transparency, like sunlight, can help heal
Get to address false narratives
Fresh start can be motivating, even in stressful at first
We have to get more comfortable with ambiguity, all the time, so that when changes happen we can do better in the transition period. The only constant is change…control our mindset or someone else will.
Be well and have a great day!
Much love and all my best,