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Top 10 worst things about cell phones

1. They invade your time – “they can get to us anywhere”

2. Invasion of other people’s air space

3. You can ruin someone’s life in an instant with photo or not, mistake or not, context or not

4. Killed the reflective moment and people’s desire to be reflective

5. Distract people from listening which impacts data collection, trust and relationships

6. Distracting people within a company costs money, in a personal relationship can be an obstacle

7. They provide access to social sites that are a distraction from our ability to be efficient

8. There are no accepted mores about how loud to talk, how close we are to someone that is not on a phone, what we can talk about

9. Gives people an excuse to not grow – too busy trying to get to the next level on a game or chat or waste too much time (some down time is good, let’s be real)

10. Texting and Driving.

Let’s put down these digital devices and live more!

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