Like the Athletic, Wild West Gold Rush
As a Pickle ball Player for the last two years it is interesting to watch something grow (beside the 4+ Million people and counting)…player’s addiction. Today my text traffic was about playing…mind you it has been raining for 3 days and PBallers are amped up! They feel caged in and have to play, some with few worries about an injury slipping on a wet line. This group will grab 6 bath towels and dry off the court like human Zambonis!!
Understand the bigger picture and you can see why this sport is so popular…and growing in ways that if the words Pickle Ball bother you now, wait for it. If you are curious to know why this addiction (with mostly goods and few negatives) has taken over like an all-aged craze, here are 20 considerations:
Healthy Dopamine
Social interactivity and new friends
Only basic movement and athletic skills needed to get started
Not age, sex, gender, race, religion or otherwise restrictive
Cures boredom
Less aggressive then other sports at the beginner level
Leveled so you play with contemporaries
Open and Closed play
All over the country and you can actually convert an existing tennis court
Courts on cruise ships and PB vacations
Cure for loneliness
A distraction from grief
Exciting shots and extended points
Fits in to life fitness goals
Inexpensive to get started and continue
Different than what we have always done
Fad for some (but a good life sport to know and be able to play at any age in life)
Good for networking and/or business
Most people that make time to go and try it out want to play again. You can get a paddle for under $50, $100 or $150. In some towns there are stores that will let you try out a paddle before you buy it. Welcome to the sport that is like the new athletic, Wild West gold rush. Enjoy and let me know if you want to play!
All the best and have a great week!